Study finds vaping is unable to help smokers quit

The use of e-cigarettes or vaping devices has exploded in the past 5 years with new and smaller devices continuously being developed. These devices are marketed as safer alternatives to conventional cigarettes that can help a user quit their cigarette habit. There is an accumulating body of evidence that suggests e-cigarettes are not harmless and…

Nearly 2 billion children worldwide breath toxic, polluted air

Air pollution is a significant problem for global health, especially in low- to middle-income countries where air quality is not up to the World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Exposure to air pollution worsens existing disease and can increase a person’s risk of dying from lung cancer, lung infections, stroke, heart disease, and COPD. Among children,…

Scoliosis in children linked to manganese deficiency

Scoliosis is a condition in which a person’s spine curves sideways, sometimes resembling an ‘S’ or ‘C’. It is the most common childhood musculoskeletal disorder affecting around 0.3% of all children. While mild cases can often be treated or corrected with a back brace, severe cases require surgical correction and affect 1 in every 10,000…

Bacteria go into hibernation to avoid antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance is an enormous problem that affects approximately 2 million people in the US each year. Most of our antibiotics attack bacteria by interfering with their ability to make DNA and therefore preventing their growth. Bacteria that develop resistance to these antibiotics have mutated and developed a way to get around the effects of…